Campbell and Fetter Bank believes in strong communities.
By taking a lead as a community leader, we can make a difference to the places we live and work. A long, rich tradition of giving back to the community is ingrained in C&F’s corporate culture. We strive to be Outstanding Community Citizens Through Gifts of our Time And Resources.
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> Community Initiatives archives
C&F supports community activities that contribute to the economic, social, cultural, educational and health needs of the communities in which we live and work. The Campbell and Fetter “Community Initiatives” program has been developed to encourage and enhance the activities of community groups for the uncommon good. The primary purpose is to create a sustainable social impact on the communities we serve. We strive to create a synergy that will focus on community goals and needs. It is our intent to partner with established groups in our counties. We will be attracted by groups that think of themselves not as a charity, but rather as a mission-based business. “Community Initiatives” is a long term plan that will have an effect on all of our futures.
Each year we earmark funds that will be available to qualifying events, activities and projects in the communities we call home.
The criteria for giving are flexible but include:
Support a community, group, or agency
Addresses a current community or community development need
Sponsorships of community activities
Aid in long term growth and improvements that benefit the community
Supporting neighborhood programs
Special events that help fund various community programs
Youth Activities
Festivals that enhance the community
C&F “Community Initiatives” program is not intended for contributions to:
Individuals, including scholarships or expenses paid to individual political, sectarian, or operating support of fraternal or religious organizations.
Political parties or other political groups
Events not in line with Campbell and Fetter's community standards
Types of Contributions:
Cash Grants
Matching Grants
In-Kind Donations
Volunteer Hours
C&F has established a Corporate Giving Committee made up of volunteer members of the bank staff who develop goals that both enhance C&F’s image in the community and fit with the company’s core values. This committee researches, reviews and determine those charitable organizations for which we will provide corporate funding.
Application Procedures:
If the organization meets the gifts and grants guidelines presented above, your organization is eligible to apply for a financial or in-kind donation through the local Campbell and Fetter Bank manager.
All requests must be submitted by downloading our "Community Initiatives Application Form".
Download and print the "Community Initiatives Application Form" here.
*Note that the application must be completed by the local manager and sent to Main Office for review.
Several Organizations and causes we have contributed to in the past:
4H/4H Fairs
Albion Harvest Festival
Albion Parks
Albion Youth Baseball
American Red Cross
American Cancer Society
Apple Festival-Kendallville
Auburn Girls Softball
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boy Scouts of America
Christmas Bureau
Community Foundations
Cromwell Youth Baseball
DeKalb County Fair
DeKalb Hospital
Drug Free Noble County
Elkhart County Fair |
EN Schools Athletics/Music/Theatre
Fairfield High School
Goshen Little League
Goshen Youth Soccer
Junior Achievement
Kendallville Economic Development
Kendallville Parks
Kendallville Youth Baseball
Kosciusko County Soccer
Lakeland Girl Scouts
Light the Night
Ligonier Chamber of Commerce
Literacy Volunteer
Marshmallow Festival |
Mizpah Shrine Circus
Muscular Dystrophy Association
New Paris Youth Baseball
Noble County Art Association
Noble County Concert
Noble County Economic Development
Noble County Fair
Salvation Army
Sylvan Lake Festival
United Way
Windmill Museum
Youth for Christ |
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